The Sexy Beast Diet Companion, the Sexy Babe Diet™


The Sexy Babe Diet™ will be the first diet book written with an attitude for women, it’ll be a bit edgy. Parents with young children may want to keep it on a top closet shelf.

Why am I writing this?

“Aren’t there thousands of books on dieting already?” you ask.

You bet.

But there are plenty of women who are, um, let’s call it…”hefty,” who wouldn’t get four pages into any diet book out there today.

I know. I’m friends with about a hundred of them.

These women still need to understand what is making them, ah, hefty, how this extra weight is slowly killing them—really, killing them (see Chapter Two of the Sexy Beast Diet)—and how to get a handle on it.

Short and sweet—I’m writing it in fewer words than the number of angels that can sit on the head of a pin—The Sexy Babe Diet™ is a book chock full of vital information delivered with enough spice to keep any woman reading.

Why the title?

Every woman, with the possible exception of a few Tibetan nuns, thinks she’s a sexy babe. I figure women will see themselves in the title, but the title does more work than that, it gives men an opening to address weight issues with the women they love without tears or icy silences.

I figure men will hand The Sexy Babe Diet™ to their gal and say, “Honey, you’re a sexy babe, but I’m worried about your health so you need to read this.”

I know that’s kind of a backhanded compliment with an underlying touch of manipulation, but getting your loved ones to maintain the proper weight is an essential proposition that sometimes requires unorthodox measures.

Read it for free.

I’ll post chapters of the book here as I write them. It would be great to have your input: What works, what doesn’t. Are the jokes funny? Obnoxious? Are there typos?

Please make a note of your suggestions in the comment box that follows each chapter.

The first two chapters of the Sexy Beast Diet™ are up. You can find Chapter One by clicking on “Chapters” in the menu above.

Get the Kindle version of Need More Motivation to Diet? excerpted from The Sexy Babe Diet here:

Watch for the following The Sexy Babe Diet titles:

The Sexy Babe Diet Easy, Healthy Recipes

The Sexy Babe Diet Special Nights Recipes

The Sexy Babe Diet Easy, Healthy Snacks

The Sexy Babe Diet Guide to Healthy Living

Click here for Stephen BlakeMettee’s bio.

 Posted by at 11:09 AM

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