Still a Starter after
Nearly a Dozen Years

Photo by Jeffery Beall
On March 13, 2019, Cameron Wake, five-time Pro Bowl player, signed a three-year, $23 million contract with the Tennessee Titans. That alone is pretty spectacular. But what makes it even more spectacular is that Wake, who definitely qualifies as a Sexy Beast, was 37 years old at the time—ancient for an NFL player, even more so for a defensive end.
And what does Wake attribute his ability to stay fit and healthy? A lifestyle commitment.
“It’s a decision you have to make to say, ‘I decide to do this and give up that,’” Wake was quoted in an Associated Press article as saying.
Wake avoids fried foods, processed foods, candy, chips, and cheese. Instead he focuses his diet on lean meats and vegetables. One of his favorite dishes is tuna fish with sunflower seeds.
And, I imagine, he gets plenty of exercise.
“I’m going to choose long term over the here and now, delayed gratification, all those things,” Wake said. Sounds like he read The Sexy Beast Diet doesn’t it?