Zounds! Twice as Likely to Die?

Guys, surprised to find you added a few pounds lately?
Here’s a newsflash for you, you aren’t alone.
But it is important to do something about it before it gets completely out of hand.
Men who are significantly overweight are twice as likely to die prematurely. Let me repeat that: twice as likely to die prematurely!
Like 100 percent more often.
Got it?
If that isn’t deep enough into the weeds for you, here are a few pertinent facts—excerpted from my book The Sexy Beast Diet: The Man’s Guide to Healthy, Satisfying Eating.
Your Heart
It was thought that being overweight contributed only indirectly to heart disease. But recent analysis of long-term studies indicate that obesity independently predicts increased degrees of atrial fibrillation, congestive heart failure, and coronary death in adults.
Small weight reductions in those who are overweight have been shown to dramatically improve one’s odds. Think what large reductions in weight might do.
Your Blood Supply
Being overweight is connected to a Sexy Beast’s chances of suffering a stroke. Strokes are caused when blood supply to a part of the brain is diminished.
Hardening of the arteries, often intensified in overweight men, can cause a stroke if blood vessels to the brain are affected.
And, while it isn’t completely understood, abdominal obesity, often defined in men as having a waist measurement of more than 40 inches, is known to be a potent risk factor in strokes.
Strokes are medical emergencies. It is best to avoid them.
Your Prostate
Overweight men have a 25% increased risk of death from prostate cancer. Mildly obese men have a 46% higher risk.
Severely obese men double their risk.
Traditional treatments for this type of cancer too often result in incontinence and impotence. While remedies for prostate cancer do continue to improve, trust me on this one, no Sexy Beast wants prostate troubles.
Your Brain
Consider this: The brain in overweight people shrinks quicker than in others resulting in lower cognitive abilities and poorer memory as one ages.
Seriously, who wants to be old, fat, and stupid?
You can find simple, successful, masculine strategies for obtaining and maintaining a healthy weight in The Sexy Beast Diet. If you would like a free copy for yourself or a friend, please email Mettee@TheWriteThought.com.*
*Limited-time offer.